If you intend to preplan your cremation service in Riverside, IL, you’ll want to meet with the funeral director at a reputable funeral home. Some people leave it to their loved ones to do all the planning after their passing, but there are advantages to preplanning instead.
For one thing, preplanning means you’ll be in control the details pertaining to your final send-off. Another benefit is that your loved ones won’t have to make body disposition arrangements at a time when they’ll be mourning. As you preplan with a funeral director, one of the things you’ll want to decide is what you want your family to do with your cremated remains. There are quite a few options available. Read on to see a small handful of the things that you can choose.
Do you want your family members to scatter your cremated remains someplace? If scattering is something that appeals to you, you’ll want to consider the location. Is there a location that has sentimental value to you? If you’re an avid gardener, you might want to have your family scatter your ashes in the flower garden you’ve spent countless hours tending to. If you love to go boating or swimming, you might want your loved ones to scatter your ashes on a body of water. You can get more ideas from the funeral director who helps you plan.
An even more unique option is cremation jewelry. If your family members already like wearing jewelry, they’ll appreciate this option. Cremation jewelry refers to jewelry that is made with an internal compartment into which cremation ashes can be inserted. Cremation jewelry looks exactly like whatever quality jewelry your family members may already have in their collections. So you can get cremation jewelry like watches, rings, earrings, necklaces, and much more. You’ll also have options in terms of style. So the opportunity exists to create something that’s truly one of a kind. This will make it all the more valuable.
Would you prefer to have your loved ones bury your cremation urn? If so, you can have them bury it on private property, at a cemetery, or someplace else. You might also want to consider the Columbarium option. This is a great way to go if you want a place for your urn to be placed. Your family will be able to visit the Columbarium when they simply feel like visiting your final resting place.
If you have any questions about cremation services in Riverside, IL, get in touch to learn how we can be of assistance. It would be our honor to explain the process, show you your options, and help you make the right decisions for you and your family. We can also help you preplan your own final service. For the assistance you need, give us a call to talk to one of our staff members, pay us a visit to talk with someone in person, or check us out online at https://www.johnsonnosek.com/.